Saturday, November 18, 2006


Casino Royale

I don't like James Bond movies anyway so what the heck, just watch la.

This one is like seeing some old uncle(he is 37yo only, but looks so old) running around, jumping like a monkey and gambling like 千王之王。Guess this is like the lowest budget James Bond movie i ever watched. Less Car wrecks and explosions and all.

The love scenes like.. a bit too over done.
The back part of the movie seems too expected.
I already guessed it. Sigh.

After watching it, i was thinking, if i am in such movies, i wanna be the side kick.. as they never change Judi Dench as M, Chris o Donnel as Robin but they keep changing James Bond.. Batman actors.. hahahha..

As i go on and on saying negative stuffs about this movie, it still scored a A in Yahoo critics and they vote Daniel Craig as the BEST James Bond ever. hahah.. What you think?? hahah

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